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Friday, June 22, 2012


1. Play the most offensive or otherwise ignorant music as loud as possible in the privacy of their car or home.

2. Dirty dance.  Chuuuch folk love to dance. But some of y'all do more than "holy" dance.

3. Sing or rap to secular music.  When home alone, you can find the most saved saint singing Marvin Gaye or Whitney or rapping to Lil Wayne at the top of their lungs.

4. Watch Twerk Team or impure videos.  [especially those young'ns]

5. Eat an entire box of fried chicken, washed down with soda or Kool-Aid and then complain, "Girl, I don't know why I can't lose this weight; I tried errrythaang."

6. Pretend they're not at home when Pastor or other saints call.

7. Go on Twitter, Facebook and talk about other members.   

8. Talk about how racist white people are, and how they don’t get it.

9. Play Spades smoke weed, gamble, drink and cuss with their unsaved friends. 

10. Beat their kids like Zab Judah, something I don’t;agree
 with.  Also, chuuch mothers have this thing called the Angry Whisper — it’s basically when she sends you death threats through her teeth.

11. Stare at people’s butts when they go up to the altar – both men and women
 do this.   

12. Argue or fight with other saints or "hate" other believers.  We’re just a spirited bunch, we actually love each other.

13. Put on the mean grill at work: can’t let them ever think I enjoy working here.

14. Locate, identify, and alert their unsaved friends of the presence of the authorities.  Jamie: “There go the police.”  Tyreke: “WHERE?!”  Jamie: “You being mad obvious right now, don’t look.”

15. Tell dirty jokes around their unsaved friends or when the door is locked.

16. Throw away bills.  Viacom can kiss my black… moving right along.

17. Make personal phone calls on their work phone. And get mad when a colleague has the audacity to interrupt them with actual work.

18. Make up new code words and slang to use with their friends.  White people stole our swag.

19. Call on their momma instead of Jesus for advice.

20. Pretend like they're playing a sport.  For example, balling up a piece of paper, tossing it in the trash, yelling "LEBRON!" 

21. Help out a the church picnic or social so they can eat all they can eat.

22. Make a subtle, sexy fashion statement by wearing a lace camisole or fishnets under their choir robe.

23. Hook up their friends with stuff they stole from work.

24. Snap jokes about other church members. "Now she know she too old for that short dress."

25. Grease up the body with cocoa butter, Shea butter or Vaseline and then want to give you a greasy handshake.

26. Put a dollar in the tithes envelope when they KNOW they can give more.

27. Tell stories with one word. For example, “How was service last night?” is responded to by saying, “Chile…”or “Umph…”

28. Secretly lust after a sister or brother in the body or even the pastor.  "Girl, Bro.So and So sho is fine!"

29. Take a nap during service.

30. Try to hide these things in hopes that Pastor or Jesus won't find out. 

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